
Music has the power to touch lives, heal wounds, and bring us closer to God. In the heart of every melody and the soul of every rhythm, there's a story waiting to be told, a journey waiting to be shared. For those seeking a light in the darkness to overcome life's most brutal battles—addiction, abuse, wavering faith—the music of Howard Gripp offers a ray of hope.

Music as a Ray of Hope

In Howard Gripp's world, music isn't just an art; it’s a necessity of life. From the first note he played and the rhythmic beats of the drum at age six, his music tells the story of early challenges and victories, pain and tears mixed with hopes.

The Musical Journey

Howard's mother had a passion for music, a passion she nurtured in him, which he still carries with pride today. Despite initial milestones—a record deal and airtime in some European countries—his journey was short-lived. Howard's personal life was in chaos, between a struggling marriage and life on the road. But God was not finished with him.

Rediscovering Faith through Melody

Years later, a new chapter began in Howard’s life, marked by meeting his wife Michelle and renewing his relationship with God. After joining the worship team at church and playing in a secular acoustic duo, Howard realized his music could be more than just for him. It could be a source of strength and comfort for others as well.

A Mission through Music

Life has not been easy for Howard, who has dealt with divorce, addiction, depression, and other spiritual battles. As believers, we are not promised an easy life—we all face difficulties—but we never face anything alone. Jesus is always there. Howard’s music is not merely melodies and lyrics; it is a source of strength for those fighting battles and encouragement for those who have lost hope.

The Power of Song

Connecting hearts and souls through music is the goal of Howard’s ministry. His songs are meant for people struggling with their faith and those going through tough seasons in their life’s journey. His music serves as a constant reminder that even though one might fall very low, God promises to extend His hands to raise them up.

Join the Journey

Join us on a transformative journey with Howard as we seek to heal the world through the power of music. Music has a unique way of touching our souls, lifting our spirits, and fostering a sense of unity. This is our journey—a journey of healing, connection, and musical enlightenment. Join us, and let's make a difference, one note at a time.